18th Annual Save the Girls Ride
The ride starts and ends at Motown Harley.
Registration 9:30AM - 11:30AM
Kickstands up 11:45AM
Ride with us to raise monies to improve the lives of women and girls.
Escorted by Motown Harley Owners Group (H.O.G). Chapter. The chapter members share a passion for riding, and support the interests and programs of SI of Trenton & Downriver Area.
$25 Per Bike
$10 Per Passenger
$10 Per Non-Rider
Enjoy Food, Music, 50/50 Raffle, Gift Basket Raffle and more.
All proceeds benefit the SI of Trenton & Downriver Area service projects including Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Women's Health Issues and Education.
Register on line using this link:
If you need additional information or would like to donate or sponsor the event, call Cathy at 734-934-8460